• info@damodarprocess.com
  • +91 9674745952

Bags / Boxes / Jar Handling Conveyors

Damodar offers a range of conveyors for handling bags and boxes, including Inclined Conveyors, Truck Loading Conveyors, and Loading/Unloading Conveyors.

Typical uses are
Our Systems for loading unloading and for high stacking are
More Features

Trough & Cleated Belt Conveyors

Trough belt conveyors are suitable for handling a wide range of products such as grains, minerals, ash, tea etc.

The equipments are manufactured using high accuracy CNC machines with hot process surface pre-treatment and powder coating.

Systems can also be offered for

Drag Chain Conveyors

Damodar is a channel partner of M/S Eminence Equipments, Pune for sales, installation and servicing of Enmass Grain Feeder. This is a drag chain conveyor designed for handling free flowing material such as paddy, rice, husk, oilseeds etc. over long distances. Main Features are

Screw Conveyors

Special Purpose Conveyors

We design and manufacture special purpose conveyors as per requirement of the client. Typical examples are Assembly Conveyors, Printing Conveyors, Sorting Conveyors etc.
Assembly Conveyor
Printing Conveyor
Sorting Conveyor